
Funny Videos, Edmonton EMF assessment dates set, EMF Aware 2021 events replays, Starlink sat map, Ongoing EMF initiatives.
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I know it's been awhile since we last sent out a newsletter so here is the 2021 round up of what we were up to and some of the best of 2021!!!
Funniest EMF Related Video of 2021
Funniest video runners up.....
2. No Phone Air - World's Least Advanced Phone!
3. Smart Home - When a smart home turns on you.

EMF Aware In Edmonton Area For Home Assessments Dec 27 and 28, 2021.
EMF Aware 2021 Replays
1. Making the Invisible Visible. (Most Viewed EMF Aware Replay!) A visual guide to EMFs and the effects on people and their environment was presented as a webinar for the 2021 EMF Medical Conference.
2. Reducing Wifi In Schools - Mitch presents how schools can drastically reduce Wifi exposures by making three simple changes.
3.EMF the Invisible Toxin w/ Mitch Marchand. Interview by Blake Ward of the Seed. IGTV
4. Ideas on the Verg: How 5G and EMF Effects Our Bodies and Minds. Verge Permaculture interviews Mitch Marchand on 5G and other forms of EMFs.
On Going 2021 EMF Initiatives
EMF Medical Conference 2021
For the general public and medical practitioners: Great EMF Course by Dr. Magda Havas only $19 until Dec. 31. 4 hours of lectures. Highly recommend this as an intro to EMFs!

EMF Medical Conference Videos $39 -   Stream/View 29 hours of 59 highly informative expert presentations and panel discussions. Highly recommend it for medical practitioners.
Global EMF Project - Citizen Science Lead By Magda Havas
Image working with people all over the planet (335 volunteers in 20 different countries) helping monitor EMF levels around the globe and raise awareness. Currently to participate in one of the two ongoing projects all you need is a Safe and Sound Pro II meter. If you have this meter I highly recommend you check out the Global EMF website.
SafeTechSchools - Reducing Wifi In Classrooms
This US non-profit has created excellent resources for reducing Wifi in schools and for building wifi free schools.
The non-profit focuses on the science and legal aspects of wifi in schools and provides practical steps schools can take to reduce wifi in schools.
EMF Aware, 1519 - 34 Ave SW, Calgary, Alberta T3E 5S5, Canada
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